Announced at the Shawnee Chamber 75th Anniversary Celebration held on October 1st, Gregg Amos has been recognized as the 2020 Shawnee Citizen of the Year! Learn more about the award below and see a video of the announcement as well.
Shawnee Citizen of the Year
The Shawnee Citizen of the Year Award is one of three notable awards presented by the Shawnee Chamber in honor of volunteers, advocates and active community members annually. Nominations for this award are submitted from the Chamber membership and voted on by a representation of the past award winners. The individual need not be a Chamber member but should be someone who has worked hard to make Shawnee a better place to live, work and grow.
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Gregg Amos
2020 Shawnee Citizen of the Year
The Shawnee Citizen of the Year for 2020, recognized in 2021, is an extra special occasion as the awardee and his family have played a pivotal role in the growth of our community and the Shawnee Chamber. The announcement of Gregg Amos of Amos Family Funeral Home & Crematory, aligns perfectly with the Shawnee Chamber's 75th Anniversary as an organization, as Gregg's grandfather E. Paul Amos was a founding member of the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce in 1946.
In addition to his historical significance to the Shawnee Chamber, Gregg Amos has been a contributing member of the Shawnee business community for many years, embodying the spirit of our community through his business and local involvement. For more details, read the announcing speech transcribed below.
Congratulations to Gregg Amos, Shawnee Citizen of the Year! See a full recap of the Shawnee Chamber 75th Anniversary Celebration here.

Mickey Sandifer (previous Shawnee Citizen of the Year) announcing speach:
Tonight, Shawnee tradition lives on – here on these grounds rooted in faith, and family and friends - as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of our founding by E. Paul Amos back in 1946. And commencing in 1972 - we began this honor of someone who has stood-out when it counted, or stood-up when it was needed, someone who has led us, or taught us or simply guided us. Someone who actions or words or how they just live their life calls out to be recognized for simply making this place we call home just a little better place for us all.
And as you look at the list of past recipients, you see the names of those who built the sound and strong foundation on which has been constructed this vital and vibrant Shawnee that we all know and enjoy and benefit from today.
Those traditions I spoke of a moment ago – faith, family, friends – well, they run through the blood of this year’s Citizen of the Year by both birth and by name. Shawnee tradition - he epitomizes it.
I could list all his life achievement and his service in the community, however, that would take way more time than I could keep your attention – so let me just touch on his life’s work, this is a man who I know I and I am quite sure many of you have had to turn at very likely some of the most difficult days of our lives - and he was there to lend a hand, to be caring, to be compassionate and to simply be the friend who guides you through some trying times - when you are a friend in need he is a friend indeed. Most definitely an inherited and not a learned characteristic.
So, it is my honor to preset the 2020 Citizen of the year award to my good friend and a good friend to all in our community - Gregg Amos - one who has followed in those large footsteps of his grandfather and father, footsteps of service to the Shawnee community first and foremost, values he has passed on to his son Parker who today carries on with a 4th generation of the Amos family’s leadership in the Shawnee community.
And yes, we all know you are the last man to let you down – sorry, Gregg - I couldn’t resist as I know E. Paul and Gene are smiling down on you tonight as most certainly Parker is looking up.